Inflation was expected to turn higher in the spring because of base effects. Big price drops in the early months of the pandemic are now dropping out of the annual…
The dollar has ‘defied expectations’ this year, but the pause in the Treasury bond market sell-off has prompted a reversal. The trade-weighted dollar has fallen 1.2% since the start of…
The number of Covid-19 infections reported in the US yesterday (April 5th) was down 5.6% from a week earlier (to 5,742). Fatalities fell 26.0%. In the UK, infections have dropped…
The reverse yield gap, based on 10-year Treasury yields, shows that the equity market could soon be more expensive than any time since the dark days of the credit crunch….
The Government came in for some sharp criticism this week, notably from Andy Haldane who, writing in his capacity as chair of the industrial strategy council, proclaimed “UK industrial strategy…
A new era of big government and excessive public sector borrowing remain the pertinent risks for US and global equities. The slow grind in Treasuries continues, with 10-year yields up…