The new Greek Government is planning sweeping tax reforms aimed at reducing corporation and incomes taxes, cutting VAT, and streamlining incentives for investors, according to the new finance minister Mr Staikouras. There…
The German jobs machine is stalling. A disappointing set of earnings from Siemens yesterday underlines the scale of the challenge facing German industry. Even the more profitable digital business is…
There are some legitimate doubts over the strength of Germany’s labour market. Vacancies have fallen in four out of the last five months, with June down 13.0k. The Eurostat labour…
The gilet jaunes protests are steadily dwindling: only 7,000 demonstrators took to the streets on Saturday 15th earlier this month, a fraction of the quarter of a million people who…
Germany has borne the brunt of the slowdown in global trade. The manufacturing PMI was unrevised from the flash estimate of 44.3, a 2-month low). The labour market is going…
The ‘Japanisation’ of the Eurozone is an increasingly common theme these days. In one key respect, there are similarities – Japan and the Eurozone are both creating jobs. It is…
Donald Trump has been persistent and dogged in his pursuit of countries that run large trade surpluses with the US. After taking a tough line against China and Mexico, the…
Rancorous protests – turning violent in some cases – are a reminder that political opposition to reform will remain even if Mr Macron prevails on Sunday. Legislative elections in mid-June remain…
Marine Le Pen needed to come first by some distance to stand any chance of prevailing in the second round. The reaction of European equities reflects the realisation that the…
Geopolitical risks are back, stalking markets. North Korea is the main flashpoint and the stand-off between Pyongyang and Washington will continue to unnerve investors. The exports data for many countries…