The probability of an ECB rate hike this year tumbled after last Friday’s CPI release. Mr Draghi has duly reaffirmed the central bank’s commitment to negative interest rates this morning….
The prospect of a Le Pen victory in May remains negligible. However, the political events of 2016 have instilled a note of caution in markets. Rising French government bond yields…
The French economy may well surprise on the upside this year irrespective of who is elected as President. Fast-growing tech companies will help to underpin the recovery. A new start-up…
The French presidential election is widely considered to be the pivotal political event of 2017, in Europe at least. Marine Le Pen wants to destroy the euro, while Mr Fillon…
The euro is being pulled lower by interest rate differentials, political risk (ISIS) and strife within Italy’s banks. It is not difficult to see the euro tumbling to the trough…

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