27th March 2017 0 Uber Technologies is putting its autonomous vehicles back on city streets after an accident.
27th March 2017 0 Amazon delays first cashierless convenience store. Tracking more than 20 people in the store at one time is problematic.
27th March 2017 0 Xiaomi to expand manufacturing in India, to challenge the dominance of Samsung in world’s fastest-growing market.
27th March 2017 0 Chunghwa Precision Test Tech, Taiwan chip testing company, looking to raise capital, expand thanks to strong demand.
27th March 2017 0 Hitachi develops AI system that can instantly identify and track a person caught on security camera footage.
26th March 2017 0 China’s artificial intelligence sector in danger of becoming a ‘bubble’: over-inflated salaries.
26th March 2017 0 The high-speed trading behind Amazon: unseen world of bots, algorithms, flash crashes and fierce competition.
26th March 2017 0 The law is adapting to a software-driven world: almost every sector of society feels headwinds of the digital revolution.